
John is a motivational and inspirational speaker and now a first-time author. These are things he never expected nor sought out to be, but then again, he never thought he'd experience a debilitating accident that would change the course of his life forever.

His new book is available now. If viewing on a phone, please navigate the website by clicking on the three lines at the top right to find the “Book” tab.

About John

On March 27, 2013, he and his wife were on vacation in the Bahamas celebrating their anniversary. He was swimming in the ocean when a very large wave hit him from behind, ultimately paralyzing him from the neck down. He spent 11 months in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities and continues his journey now at home.

Because of the many dedicated individuals who cared for him, and continue to care for him, throughout this incredibly difficult journey, He is now a walking miracle.

It is his passion to give back to society, by motivating and inspiring others through his story of hope and determination.

He's shared his powerful life story in many formats and venues. In the past nine years, He has delivered inspiring talks and encouragement at hospitals, elementary schools, colleges, and churches. In 2017, He was the keynote speaker at a large corporate function, and most recently featured on an inspirational podcast.

He tailors these talks to each speaking engagement and individual audience by adding a little humor while addressing your desired theme. If you are interested in having him come speak to your group or have further questions, you may email him at john.t.chartier@gmail.com.