Saying Goodbye

Today was one of those heart wrenching days as I said goodbye for now to an amazing friend who passed away. Don Shuman, my dear sweet friend was not only a great husband, father, brother, son, friend, he was an outstanding human being who made an impact on my life.

Don had a rare form of Parkinson’s disease called, MSA (Multiple Systems Atrophy). MSA is horrific as I witnessed my friend deteriorate each week very rapidly enduring relentless pain. I am so thankful for each and every visit even though it was difficult to watch him physically decline. The visits gave us the opportunity to talk deeply about our lives, the joys and the heartaches, and everything in between.

Through it all, Don never lost his sense of humor or his desire to love people. I was the lucky recipient of a hug each time I entered his home and each time I left. We never forgot to tell one another, “I love you.”

As I said earlier, “goodbye for now,” I know I will see Don again, I have faith that I will.

Don’t ever waste an opportunity to tell those you are close to, “I love you.” We never know when it may be the last time we will see them.

I love you Don.


Long Way Up


Milestone 60