
Almost 8 years ago, we had to sell my new truck at the time, to shed debt we could no longer afford. In that moment, I had no idea what significant loss I would feel later from this action. The loss I felt wasn’t the fact it was a sweet truck but more about the freedom you lose when you cannot drive yourself.

Although we have a wheelchair accessible van, I had hoped we could save to acquire a used second vehicle if we saw the need for one. With Rhonda returning to in-person teaching this fall and life getting busier for me, we felt now was the time.

I’m somewhat of a car guy, having worked in the industry most of my career. I enjoy researching cars and have been looking for a few years, checking prices and what’s available near me. When we decided it was time, I was ready!

I found a vehicle to our liking, we drove to Pennsylvania to purchase, and now feel I’ve regained another piece of my life that I once thought to be lost forever.



